“Egg” Shortlisted for Dinesh Allirajah Prize

“Egg” Shortlisted for Dinesh Allirajah Prize

4th March 2020 0 By ajreid22

Pleased to announce that “Egg” has been shortlisted for the Dinesh Allirajah Prize hosted by Comma Press and UCLAN!

In this Artificial Intelligence short story, the steel-shelled anti-hero travels from the ashes of his creator’s mansion to a Pacific paradise with the aid of various humans along the way.

Thanks to Comma Press, UCLAN and all concerned. It’s a real honour to have been shortlisted and I wish the best of luck to my fellow shortlistees!

“Egg” is scheduled for publication in the Comma Press Anthology out later this year.

In the meantime, check out some of my other short stories, poetry and interactive fiction.
