Category: Politics

Social Distancing: A Smaller Hell?

Covid-19 has already wrought widespread panic. Now, we must acclimatise to the idea that we might all be spending lonely periods of time indoors. We want to protect our vulnerable loved ones and, according to experts, social distancing is one of the most effective methods of achieving that. As a writer, I spend most of…

By ajreid22 15th March 2020 0

The Horseman’s Dream: A Tale of Conspiracy, Corruption, Cruelty and Conditioning in Post-Disaster Britain

It’s taken me nearly 20 years to write The Horseman’s Dream: its origins lying somewhere in the ashes of the Twin Towers and the ensuing maelstrom of disinformation.  It’s about something good that still exists in a bad world.  This is the best story I can come up with to frame the notion of a…

By ajreid22 9th August 2018 4

Visiting Ypres at 13 Years Old

Monday was the 100th anniversay of the start of the “third battle of Ypres”: Passchendaele.  This poem and piece of music is my tribute to all those who died in the trenches.  Fodder to the Maschinengewehrs, often drugged with amphetamines to quell their terror, some as young as 13 years old raced and palpitated towards…

By ajreid22 3rd August 2017 0