Tag: sailing

Perseid Promise

Last night, after the captain and crew went to bed, I stuck around on the bow of the Sarinda to catch the Perseid meteor shower.  I wedged my rucksack under my head and kept my eyes fixed on the night sky until bright green lights began streaking across it, leaving vapour trails in their wake. I didn’t have a…

By ajreid22 13th August 2015 0

The Horseman’s Dream Map

A rough map of the British Isles as they will be in the future, having been decimated by rising sea levels.  It’s based on elevation, but also evacuation points for major cities in the event of such a disaster.  Edinburgh and Glasgow sadly did not survive, but two old Navy warships are anchored where they used to…

By ajreid22 10th December 2014 0

The Boatyard

The wind howls up the slipway, clinking through the sleeping masts of the sick and dying vessels, bringing with it the defining scent of my childhood summers: salt, mud and a hint of sewage.  The yard – like its inhabitants – is unkempt, but highly functional.  By day, tattoos quiver on weather-beaten hides all round…

By ajreid22 2nd November 2014 0