FREE Dark Interactive Fiction: Ludovico

FREE Dark Interactive Fiction: Ludovico

15th December 2019 0 By ajreid22

This FREE interactive fiction verges on the indecent, but I think war is indecent. Warmongers and bullies of all kinds should fear that one day they’ll have to take their own medicine. I hope technology makes that deterrent a reality soon.

It’s the same notion that underpins The Horseman’s Dream: that a tech-enhanced form of empathy could make or break the world. In Ludovico, we are dealing in straight recordings of neurological and psychological experiences, whereas in THD, they are actual live dreams, gamed for entertainment and propaganda.

If you’re of strong disposition, a fan of dark fiction and a hater of war, I urge you to click on the link below. If not, perhaps a different Interactive Fiction experience would be more suitable.



Don’t forget to check out free interactive fiction experience KODIAK too!

In this free interactive fiction experience, you play the role of a lonely, starving bear with a big heart. When a vulnerable human wanders into your territory, you must choose whether to submit to your primal urges or seek a higher purpose.

Click here for Interactive Fiction adventure KODIAK.

If you fancy checking out some weird doodles and handwritten poetry, follow me on INSTAGRAM.

For general soapbox rants, RTs of artistic and scientific interest and general fluff, follow me on TWITTER.

If you’re interested in pursuing further information on warmongering, I suggest you turn off your TV, put down your newspaper and check out the following:


John Pilger

Craig Murray

If you’re in the mood for some anti-war poetry, try STILL. Or there’s some video poetry here AT THE GATES.