Happiest Moments of my Birthday

Happiest Moments of my Birthday

2nd January 2015 0 By ajreid22

1. Opening my cards, especially my nephew Baxter’s, which he had picked himself. It had three Bengal tigers on it, just like Richard Parker from Life of Pi.
2. Listening to Rory Gallagher with my dad, like we used to on our way to work in the van.
3. Nando’s for lunch with the family, despite Bax’s little accident (“Me threw up on my chips”).
4. Reading all my lovely birthday wishes online.
5. Answering Baxter’s very insightful questions about Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade while we watched it on TV (we skimmed over National Socialism somewhat).
6. Pillow-fighting with Baxter on “The Mountain”.
7. Drinking fine whisky with one of my oldest friends, talking blues and guitars and laughing like drains.
8. Blade Runner Blues and deserted, sparkly streets on the walk home.
